Breast augmentation is popular procedure adapted by women to enhance their bodies. The main reasons that a woman may choose breast implants include the need to increase underdeveloped or small breasts, to enlarge some that have lost their fullness and shape during nursing, pregnancy or aging and to create symmetry for breasts with different shapes or sizes. The best breast surgeon accomplishes the tasks through the placement of breast implant.
Breast augmentation is also called augmentation mammaplasty. The procedure involves using breast implants to achieve the desire of restoring breast volume or fuller ones. Breast augmentation is a good option for women who are physically healthy, women with realistic expectations, women with fully developed ones, women with breasts of varying sizes or shapes, women with one or both breasts that have failed to develop and women who are dissatisfied with their breasts losing volume and shape after pregnancy, aging or weight loss.
Breast augmentation is also called augmentation mammaplasty. The procedure involves using breast implants to achieve the desire of restoring breast volume or fuller ones. Breast augmentation is a good option for women who are physically healthy, women with realistic expectations, women with fully developed ones, women with breasts of varying sizes or shapes, women with one or both breasts that have failed to develop and women who are dissatisfied with their breasts losing volume and shape after pregnancy, aging or weight loss.
In case you are not comfortable with the sizes of your breast, you can consider breast implants. The procedure does not however remedy severely drooping breasts. In case they are sagging, a breast lift with implants can be recommended. The breast lifting can be done when the augmentation is being performed or may need a separate operation. The plastic surgeon examines them and takes photographs for medical records. The doctor will consider several factors including the shape & size of the breasts, placement of the nipples, the pigment of the skin around the nipple (areolas) and quality of the skin.
You should expect to discuss your medical history when you come for consultation. You will be required to give information about your medical conditions, medical treatments that you have received, drug allergies, previous surgeries and medicines that you are taking. You will also be required to give information whether you come from a family history with reported cases of cancer and the results of mammograms.
The success of the breast augmentation procedures depend highly on being completely honest during the consultation. The surgeon will also evaluate your health status and pre-existing health conditions and risk factor. He/she will also examine your breasts; take detailed measurement of the shape, size, skin quality and placement of the nipples. Furthermore, the doctor will discuss the options and recommend the ideal course of treatment. In addition, he/she will discuss the possible outcomes of the procedure and potential risks and complications.